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会计考试笔记 2024年03月08日 07:20 33 会计学习小能手




3.常用会计英语 有哪些?谢谢!


1、股票 Short-term investments - stock


2、银行承兑汇票 Bank acceptance


3、应收利息 Interest receivable


4、库存商品 Finished goods


5、长期投资 Long-term investment


6、现金 Cash


7、减值准备 Depreciation reserves


8、固定资产 Fixed assets


9、累计折旧 Accumulated depreciation


10、在建工程 Construction-in-process







常用会计英语 有哪些?谢谢!




 Accounting Assistant 会计助理

 Accounting Clerk 会计文员

 Accounting Manager 会计经理

 Accounting Payable Clerk 应付帐款文员

 Accounts Receivable Clerk 应收帐款文员

 Actuarial Anaylst 保险分析员

 Assistant Portfolio Manager 组合基金经理助理

 Audit Manager 审计经理

 Auditor 审计师

 Bank Administrator 银行事务管理员

 Bank Clerk 银行出纳

 Bank Treasurer 资金调拨

 Billing Clerk 票据文员

 Billing Supervisor 票据管理员

 Bookkeeper 档案管理

 Bookkeeping Clerk 档案管理助理

 Budget Analyst 预算分析

 Certified Public Accountant 注册会计师

 Chief Financial Officer 首席财务官

 Collections Officer 收款负责人 Credit Analyst 信用分析

 Credit Manager 信用管理经理

 Financial Analyst 财务分析

 Financial Consultant 财务顾问

 Financial Manager 财务经理

 Financial Planner 财务计划员

 Insurance Underwriter 保险承销商

 Junior Accountant 初级会计

 Loan Administrator 贷款管理员

 Loan Servicer 贷款服务

 Management Accountant 管理会计

 Mortgage Underwriter 抵抻保险员

 Payroll Manager 工资经理

 Senior Accoutant 高级会计

 Staff Auditor 审计员

 Stock Broker 股票经纪人

 Tax Accountant 税务会计

 Tax Inspector 税务检查员

 Vice-President of Finance 财务副总裁

 Vice-President of Administration and Finance 财务行政副总裁


 AGM 年度股东大会

 Annual General Meeting的缩写,指在财政年度结束后不久邀请股东就公司的年度报告、财务报表和年终估息等事宜进行表决而召开的大会。公司常在新财政年度的'头几个月内召开年会,并借此向股东汇报公司的业务前景。Abbreviation of Annual General Meeting. The meeting that the shareholders are invited to attend at the end of fiscal year for the discussion of the annual report, financial report and yearly estimation of interest, EST. A company usually holds annual meetings at the initial months of a new fiscal year and report to the shareholders the prospect of the companys business.

 AAA/Aaa 3A等级

 偿还债务的能力极强,基本不受不利经济环境的影响。由标准普尔、穆迪和惠誉国际等主要评级机构评定。评级对象通常为债券,银行信用等。The strongest reimbursing ability which is hardly effected by the economic environment. The evaluation is by Standard & Poors, Moody, Fitch and other major international credit agencies and mainly for securities and bank credits ET.

 Account Analysis 账目分析

 由银行提供的概述公司交易活动,现金结余及各账户费用的帐单,通常为月结。A bank statement, usually monthly, summarizes the transaction movements, balance and charges on each bank account held by the company.

 Accretion 增值

 指金融工具在其期限内名义本金值的增加。例如,某企业以贴现方式买进债券,会计处理为每月将债券到期时可获得的资本增值逐步入帐。The increasing of financial instruments‘ principle within the maturity period. Eg. A company buys the bonds with a discount, the accounting treatment is to book the added value at the maturity of the bonds step by step.

 Accruals 应计项目

 也称为预提。资产负债表负债类科目。是对已发生但尚未支付的费用的预计。例如:借款利息费用,个人所得税等。Accounts on a balance sheet that represent liabilities. It is about an amount incurred as a charge but not paid. Eg. The future interest expense and the IIT ect. Accrued Interest 应计利息 Accrued adj. [会计] 应计的,权责已发生的

Account Code Account Title

1001 现金 Cash

1002 银行存款 Cash in Bank

1015 其他货币资金 Other cash and cash equivalents

1101 交易性金融资产(短期投资) Held for trading financial assets

1121 应收票据 Note receivable

1122 应收账款 Account receivable

1123 预付帐款 Account prepaid

1231 其他应收款 Other receivable

123101 应收出口退税 refund of tax for export receivable

123102 应收补贴款 subsidies of receivable

123199 其他 other

1241 坏账准备 Bad debt reserves

1321 受托代销商品 Commissioned and sell the goods on a commission basis

1401 商品采购 merchandise purchase

1403 材料物资 Material

1406 库存商品 Goods on hand

1407 发出商品(分期收款发出商品) Goods on installment sale

1408 出租商品 Merchandise held for rental

1410 商品进销差价(包含受托代销商品差价) Differences between purchasing and selling price

1411 委托加工商品 Materials in outside processing

1412 包装物及低值易耗品 Wrappage & consumable supplies

141201 包装物 wrappage

141202 办公用品 Office supplies

141203 电器家私 electrical home appliance & furnishings

141204 仓储物品 things for warehouse

1461 存货跌价准备 Inventory falling price reserves

1501 待摊费用 Deferred and prepaid expenses

150101 租赁费 lease rental

150102 办公家私 furnishings

150103 养路费 road maintaining fee

150104 装修费 fit up fee

150199 待转进项税 Pending changerover VAT on purchase

15019901 进口待采集 Pending collection import VAT

15019902 普通待认证 Pending attestation VAT

15019903 运费待认证 Pending Transportation VAT

1524 长期股权投资 long term of equity share investment

1601 固定资产 fixed assets

1602 累计折旧 Accumulated depreciation

1603 固定资产减值准备 Fixed assets depreciation reserves

1604 在建工程 Construction-in-process

1606 固定资产清理 Liquidation of fixed assets

1701 无形资产 Intangible assets

170101 商标 Trademarks

1801 长期待摊费用 Long-term deferred and prepaid expenses

1901 待处理财产损益 Assets loss or income in suspense

190101 待处理流动资产损益 Assets loss or income in suspense

190102 待处理固定资产损益 Assets loss or income in suspense

1902 其他长期资产 Other Long Term Assets

190201 特准储备物资 Physical assets reserve specifically authorized

2001 短期借款 Short term debt

2201 应付票据 Notes payable

2202 应付帐款 Account payable

2205 预收帐款 Deposit received

2211 应付职工薪酬(含福利费) Wages & welfarism payable

2221 应交税费(含应交税金和其他应交款) Taxes and dues payable

222101 个人所得税 individual income tax

222102 应交增值税 value added tax payable

22210201 进项税额 VAT on purchase

22210202 已交税金 VAT paid

22210203 转出未交增值税 unpaid VAT changeover

22210204 减免税额 tax deduction

22210205 销项税额 VAT on sales

22210206 进项税额转出 changeover VAT on purchase

22210207 转出多交增值税 overpaid VAT changeover

22210208 出口退税 VAT Refund for exported

22210209 出口抵减内销产品应纳税额 export deduct domestic sales goods tax

222103 未交增值税 Unpaid VAT

222104 关税 tariff

222105 应交消费税 consumption tax payable

222106 应交城市维护建设税 tax for maintaining and building cities payable

222107 应交所得税 income tax payable

222108 待抵扣进项税额 pending deduct VAT on purchase

222109 待调整 pending adjust

222110 其他应交款 other fund in conformity with paying

22211001 应交教育费附加 educational fee payable

2241 其他应付款 Other payables

2401 预提费用 Provision for expenses

2402 特准储备资金 Fund reserve specifically authorized

2601 长期借款 Long term loans

2602 长期债卷(应付债卷) long term bonds

2801 长期应付款 Long term account payable

2811 专项应付款 Special payable

2901 递延所得税负债 Deferred income tax liabilities

2902 住房周转金 Housing Revolving Funds

4001 实收资本 Paid in capital

4002 资本公积 Capital reserve

400201 资本溢价 Capital premium

4101 盈余公积 Surplus reserves

410101 公益金 Legal public welfare fund

4103 本年利润 Current year profits

4104 利润分配 Profit distribution

410401 未分配利润 undistributed profit

410402 盈余公积补亏 surplus reserves recover loss

410403 提取盈余公积 Withdrawal legal surplus

410404 应付利润 profit payable

410405 转作奖金的利润 profit change to bonus

410406 应交特种基金 special funds payable

410407 归还借款的利润 profit return loan

410408 单项留用的利润 profit reserved for a single item

6001 主营业务收入 Prime operating revenue

6051 其他业务收入 Other operating revenue

6052 代购代销收入 Income from purchase and sales commission

6061 汇兑损益 Exchange gain or loss

6111 投资收益(包含补贴收入) Investment revenue (include Subsidize revenue)

6301 营业外收入 Non operating revenue

6401 主营业务成本 Operating costs

6402 其他业务支出 Other business expense

6403 代购代销支出 Expense from purchase and sales commission

6405 营业税金及附加 Sales tax and extra charges

6601 销售费用 Operating expenses

660101 财产保险 property insurance

660102 包装费 packaging fee

660103 报关费 customs charges

660104 商检费 commodity inspection fee

660105 维修费 repair charge

660106 仓库租金费 rental for Warehouse

660107 运输费 carriage charges

660108 仓储费 storage Fee

660109 汽油费 gasoline

660110 汽车行驶费 car travel fee

660111 差旅费 travel expense

660112 设计费 design fee

660113 办公费 office allowance

660114 工资 staff salaries

660115 装卸费 handling charges

660116 广告费 advertising fee

660199 其他 other

6602 管理费用 Adminisstrative expenses

660201 办公费 office allowance

660202 停车费 car parking fee

660203 汽油费 gasoline

660204 路桥费 toll charge

660205 电话费 correspondence fee

660206 差旅费 travel expense

660207 印花税 stamp tax

660208 折旧 depreciation

660209 咨询费 Consult fee

660210 福利费 welfarism

660211 网络费 network fee

660212 租赁费 lease rental

660213 工资 staff salaries

660214 业务招待费 business entertainment

660215 低值易耗品摊销 article of consumption

660216 水电费 utilities

660217 管理费 administrative fee

660218 养路费 toll maintenance fee

660219 交通费

660220 洗车费 car washing fee

660221 广告费 advertising fee

660222 服务费 clothing fee

660223 审计费 auditing fee

660224 业务宣传费 business propagandize fee

660225 社保 social security

660299 其他 other

6603 财务费用 Finance charge

660301 利息 interest exchange

660302 手续费/工本费 charge for trouble

6711 营业外支出 Nonbusiness expenditure

671101 固定资产减值准备 fixed assets depreciation reserves

6801 所得税 Income tax

6901 以前年度损益调整 Prior year income adjustment (PYIA)

标签: 会计英语代收_会计与财务英语释义

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